– Applying for a Course

Taking the Plunge

From the outset, the mission of Body Control Pilates has been to bring the benefits of Pilates to everyone, regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, physical condition. We know that excellent teachers come from a wide variety of backgrounds. All we ask is that you have been attending Pilates classes on a regular basis before applying.

Ideally you will have been attending classes regularly for at least several months so that you are familiar with the key exercises and principles – and also so that you can take an informed decision about wanting to teach.

If you have been attending Body Control Pilates classes we will usually just contact your teacher and ask them to ‘endorse’ your application.

If your classes have been with a teacher who did not train with Body Control Pilates, that’s absolutely not a problem! If you have sufficient experience of attending classes and a desire to learn, we will be very happy to offer you a place.  It is also possible to come in and see us for an informal matwork 1:1 session – this will give us an opportunity to meet you, take you through some of the core exercises, and assess your suitability for the course. It also gives you the chance to ask any questions. There is a charge of £40 for this, which is credited against your fees if you join the course.

Once your place is confirmed, we will help you prepare for the course with our pre-course pack of information covering a basic introduction to anatomy and movement terminology; a description of the Pilates principles; key exercises to familiarise yourself with. You will also receive a copy of Lynne Robinson’s Pilates Bible book and a complimentary three-month subscription to Body Control Pilates Central, our online channel where you can view 20 different workouts using the matwork exercises exactly as taught on the course.

Based outside the UK?

The move to running our tuition modules online has provided a great opportunity to students who are not based in the UK. In the last two years, students have enrolled from countries as diverse as Hong Kong, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Mexico, Russia, France, Switzerland, Denmark, and Portugal. If you are interested in getting started online with us, please get in touch with us and we discuss a possible plan with you for completing the course.

Have a look at our Information Pack

You should find everything you need to know on this website, but please have a look at our Course Information Pack (click to download) – this summarises all the key points to help you in your decision.

Enrolment Form

You will find a form in the Course Information Pack above or, better still, you can download an interactive Enrolment Form by clicking here.

You can either complete this, save it on your computer and then email it to us (address below), or print it off and email or post it to us.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the downloadable document.

Please return by:

  • email to Ella Porter
  • post to: The Body Control Pilates Centre, 35 Little Russell Street,
    London WC1A 2HH, UK

And once you’ve signed up?

After you have paid the Registration Fee to confirm your place, we will send your Pre-Course Pack (detailed above) and set up a complimentary 3-month subscription to our online channel, Body Control Pilates Central. This has over 450 hours of exclusive Pilates content and some content specifically designed to help you get ready for your course.